Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years…

October 16th, 2010

‘Tis the season for the reason (or no reason, do you follow?) ’tis a game, and how you play it counts. Will you win or lose? How will you play the game? Will you make enemies along the way, or life-long friends? Does it matter in the end who wins or loses? Love is all that REALLY matters…if you love and be loved, then what does STUFF mean, or who has more of it? What’s trash to one is treasure to another! Hmmm……maybe I should stop procrastinating and dig through the junk that’s escaping my storage closets and creeping down the stairs (I think I might have mentioned that once or twice before haha).

Anyway I titled this posting as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years…well they always seem to come quicker every year! Time really does fly by faster as you get older…Halloween is a little over 2 weeks away…Thanksgiving…my birthday (and hopefully my niece’s baby’s as well, hi Courtney)…Christmas (just isn’t the same without little kids around for it, I miss Santa ho-ho-ho)…New Years (I don’t drink much anymore) amature night just doesn’t trip my trigger, float my boat, turn my crank, or pop my cork (ha, thats punny)…

Christmas wish list…hardwood for the woodburner, delivered and stacked…a freezer full of meat…a big pile of money…hahahahaha what was I thinking??? Love is all you need, all you need is love (according to the Beatles?)…

OK, when I try to upload a picture to change my profile on facebook, I just can’t get it to go (15 minutes is just WAY TOO LONG to wait for it, so I just give up…) stupid dial-up, stupid treasure trashing up my software piling up making my puter run SO SLLOOOOOOWWW…haha. I was trying to upload a picture of my “Hippie Hair”, but it wouldn’t go… 🙁 It’s getting really long.

I might have to make up a different costume for Halloween this year…I usually dress up as Pocahontis. Bill told me Halloween’s no fun for him without me there to hand out the candy to the kids. Yup, I think I’ll have to quit procrastinating and get the zombie army guy and the grim reaper out on the porch tomorrow…sounds like a plan…and along with them is the demon cat and the rat and the big spider that drops on heads……..bwahahaha cackle cackle snort…….double double toil and trouble fire burn and cauldron bubble…I dressed up as a witch one year ha.

Anyway…I guess that’s all for today, I hope you had a good read and were entertained for a while. See ya, love ya, bye.

Flu shot today.

October 11th, 2010

I got my flu shot today, and my arm is sore already…stupid sore arm.

What is really stupid is that there’s road construction going on at every road in and out of town, so expect to wait (forever) to leave town or come home…stupid. And of course they have to be right in front of my house…stupid again.

This time last year we had snow on the ground…makes you think…

I need chocolate…dark chocolate…milk chocolate…hot chocolate (with peppermint schnapps ha). Well, I bought some candy for Halloween that I haven’t tapped into yet (much ha), I’ll have to sneak one or two more… 🙂
I thought about getting out some of my Halloween decorations, but like I said in my last post, stored items upstairs are starting to creep down the steps and I got scared (LOL).

Why are some people constantly spouting negativity? Does it make them feel better to know that they make other people just as miserable as the are? I don’t get it… yeah I guess I’m just the eternal optomist, I can’t see the bad unless someone points it out to me…(STOP POINTING IT OUT TO ME!)

OK, on that happy note…I’ll bid you adieu (did I spell that right?) and a reminder that “I still like it in my back pocket”.

Football widow again…

October 7th, 2010

Well here I am…sitting in front of the ‘puter…watching Wheel of Fortune…waiting for my shows to come on. Bill made a beef roast for supper with mashed potatoes & gravy and carrots and garlic bread…now I have a nice plate of leftovers to take to work for supper tomorrow. He’s a good cook when he feels up to cooking…I really do appreciate it…sure beats take-out.

I like “The Big Bang Theory”…funny…A Clouder is a group of cats? hahaha Cats $20, here’s your cat, and here’s your $20 bahaha…S#*! My Dad Says is the next new show staring William Shatner, I like that one too.

Yeah, so I watch tv…that’s probably why I don’t get the stuff done that I should…either that or I spend too much time on the computer ha. I have started to clean up a few things (slowly). I’ve lived here so long that the stuff stored upstairs is starting to creep down the stairs…I need to really start going through stuff and get rid of it. How did I accumulate so much junk??? It’s kind of overwhelming. Well, I’ll do a little at a time I guess. Today I did get most of my summer clothes put in a box, and got out some warm shirts for winter (I hate cold weather). Someone told me that according to the Farmers Almanac we’re supposed to get 34” of snow by the end of October…NNOOOO!!!

I’ve been wanting to get over to see my little Bug, but it just hasn’t worked out, I sure miss him…it seems like there’s always something preventing it…Grandma wants another visit from baby Vaughn 😉 . I hope they find a really cute little costume for him (maybe a bug? lol) for Halloween and he comes Trick or Treating.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to the Korgie Christmas gathering in December, first of all because I’ll be able to see all 3 of my boys and their families on the same day, plus see a lot more of the relatives too…yay! Good times, good times.

Well, that’s about all I can think of today…(Kim, there’s just too much here to put it all on facebook, but hopefully it was an interesting read haha). Later then…see ya, love ya, bye.


October 3rd, 2010

OK, I’m adding a new post today to test if it will automatically go to the facebook…did it?

Sunday morning, full of coffee, newspaper read, what to do today? Maybe go to the antique car races at US30 Raceway this afternoon starting at 1:30, admission 1 can of food for Simon House. Something different to do…

Watching Discovery Channel…exotic Caribbean getaways…yeah that’ll happen (not without getting a passport first that is)…nice places to dream about though.

Frost on the windshield of the car this morning…oops I didn’t cover up the flowers, hope they made it, but if not…oh well…maybe it killed off all those late season mosquitos that have been biting me.

OK, that’s all I can think of today…we’ll see if it shows up on facebook…later tater…

October 2, 2010

October 2nd, 2010

Well this year is certainly going by fast, it’s October already.

Wednesday on my way to work I saw something that I’ve never seen before…Bill thinks I’m crazy, but I saw what I saw…In a freshly harvested soy bean field I saw at least 50 hawks sitting on the ground spread out by about 20-30 yards between them…the looked like they were just sitting there waiting for a mouse to walk by or something. I wish I would have had my camera with me to take a picture of this, because I knew no one would believe me. I didn’t think there were that many hawks in our area, and I know that hawks don’t do that kind of thing, but there it was. I know what a hawk looks like, they weren’t eagles or turkey vultures for sure…they were just your standard sparrow hawks that you see sitting on top of poles or fenceposts along the road…well anyway I’m not crazy!

All summer I’ve been working a 4 day week with 10-11 hours a day, I asked to change that back to a 5 day week at the beginning of November. One more trip to town a week and one less day off a week, but shorter days (maybe even a few more hours a week too?).

Fall is in the air and the leaves are collecting on the patio in big piles. We’ve had the windows open at night when it hasn’t been too chilly…feels great. I’m not looking forward to the ice and snow though, driving to work in it sucks.

I did finally get the rest of the cherry tomatoes picked, and cleared off the last of the tomato plants…I have lots of little cherry tomatoes ready to eat and lots of green ones that will ripen up within a week or so…yummy.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen my little grandbaby Vaughn…I miss him…he’s probably grown an inch or 2 and put on a pound or 2…he’s getting cuter every time I see him!

As far as I know, the rest of the family is doing fine, all healthy and happy…so I guess that’s all for today.

See ya, love ya, bye.

Add new post…got rained on today.

September 23rd, 2010

Hey, is anyone else having trouble logging in to facebook today? Anyway, I went outside to pick a few cherry tomatoes, I waved away the millions of little gnats and collected a few green/semi-green/ripe little gems (tossed the cracked and icky ones). And then it got dark, then started to sprinkle, then I got really wet. Thunder clap, run for the house…funny…haven’t been out in the rain for such a long time…fun.fun.

I think I’ll try to start posting on here again once in a while…stay tuned for further updates…