April 26th, 2010

WTF? I just read an article in the paper about this EPA regulation for lead-safe work practices…the way I read it, I can’t paint the walls in my pre-1978 house? I could get fined up to $37,500 per violation per day??? Who would want to paint their house for $37,000 or more plus cost of paint and labor? Nobody. We’ll all be sitting around in our peeling-lead-paint homes instead! If it’s so dangerous to disturb the lead paint by painting over it, why isn’t it dangerous to live in a house with peeling lead paint? (Oh yeah, it is). Will we even be able to buy paint? Or…does this regulation only apply to contractors? The ones I talked to so far don’t like this one bit. The firm has to be “certified” by the EPA at a cost of $300 (payable directly to the EPA) plus the fee for the individual to be trained as a certified renovator (whatever that is $?)… There’s a lot more to it, that’s just the beginning…the government just moved into your house people…do you think they will like the color of the toilet paper in the guest bathroom? You know…the one with the peeling paint?

April 11, 2010

April 11th, 2010

Well, I don’t think it’s going to snow again around here for a while (thank goodness). It’s full-on spring finally! I’ve been slowly working on re-staining our privacy fence, today I did one of the picnic tables. Might get out and start preparing the big planters for some flowers.
I’m also really excited about my first grandbaby coming at the beginning of August! I really wanted to throw them a baby shower, but Evie doesn’t want one. I’m going to get them a crib instead. Got them a baby book and a big stuffed bunny for Easter…can’t wait to see the pictures of the ultrasound!
Anyway, not much else going on around here, so I’ll write more when something is worth writing about, bye.

13 days till spring!

March 7th, 2010

It’s been warmer outside in the last week, the snow’s melting pretty fast. They had flood warnings out for southern Nance county today. Anyway, it’s been over a week since I heard a robin chirping, and today is the first time I saw one, 2-3-4-5-6 of them all in the same block. Spring is on the way for sure!

Last friday was the first time this year that we went to a fish fry…went to Bellwood to the bar (it was really good). Saturday went to a friend’s place and played Wii bowling…that was after having a fun morning fixing a leaky pipe in the basement. Today I got to spend $150 on groceries and I didn’t even get that much…it’s depressing how much food costs anymore…if I would have bought everything I wanted it would have added up to about $400.

Nothing else so that’s all for today…love ya, bye!

Last day of February.

February 28th, 2010

Well, I’m done with the physical therapy for my wrist and shoulder. I’m still doing the exercies though. I bought some light weights, and they gave me a shoulder pully from therapy so I could keep up on those too. My shoulder actually does feel better throughout the day if I do the exercises, and my wrist hardly hurts at all anymore. It still zings me at times if I move it the wrong way.

I have a vacation coming up at the end of March. I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere though. Probably just hang around home and maybe do some things outside if it warms up enough. I’m hoping that I can see my boys for Easter, but if not, oh well…

I don’t know if everyone knows yet, but Adam and his girlfriend Evie are going to have a baby, due the first part of August. I’m so excited to be a grandma!

Anyway, I guess that’s all for today…love ya, bye!

Super Bowl Sunday

February 7th, 2010

Waiting for the commercials on the super bowl. I don’t care about the game, just the commercials. (OH MY! Sacrilege!) You know I’m not the only one!

OK, progress so far on the wrist…it’s slowly getting better, still sore though, and it really zings me if I move it wrong. I’ve been doing the stretches and exercises the PT taught me to do, once a day at least (sometimes 2). I wear the wrist brace at work that they gave me, and will have to wear it probably for another month yet (just to be safe).

Well, this week there are a couple new shows and season premiers coming on tv. I’m looking forward to watching LOST and SURVIVOR as well as NCIS and the Monday night shows on CBS. I don’t do much exciting, just go to work and watch tv. I’ll have to start thinking on possiblilities for short road trips to take at the end of March. Bill can’t handle a lot of travel anymore, so it’s usually just a day trip or an overnighter somewhere…I can’t wait until it warms up outside so I can at least sit on the back patio and watch the fish in our pond!

Well, I suppose I’ll quit for today. I’m going to try to start posting on here again, it really has been a while since I was in the habit of it…OK Bye, love ya!

Monday December 28 2009

February 6th, 2010

The time…Approximately 11:10am
The place…work, in the checkout lane
The incident…4 sheets of drywall falling slowly off a cart
The reaction…stupid…trying to stop it from falling instead of stepping out of the way
The result…twisting/straining/pulling in wrist causing pain, and in arm up to shoulder causing constant popping in shoulder
The procrastination…wait to see if it gets better on its own, wait 3 weeks, still hurts and isn’t getting any better so…
The treatment…a visit to the doctor and weeks of physical therapy
The cost…not sure, luckily I reported it immediately to the boss and its on workmans comp.
The goal…hope it works and I heal up!