Archive for July, 2005

Finally a day off!!!

Tuesday, July 26th, 2005

Well, it’s Tuesday the 26th and I finally have a day off after 8 working days (not 15 like I thought it would be). Got a new pair of work shoes that are hurting my feet, but have to keep them (they cost too much and no returns on sale merchandise). Anyway, going to let […]


Wednesday, July 13th, 2005

Well, I’m running out of titles for these little entries. I’ve got a short day at work today, then work a long day tomorrow and Friday. Have the weekend off, then I’ll be working every day for 14 or 15 days (my boss is going on vacation out to Maine). I need some new work […]


Friday, July 8th, 2005

We get to take another little day trip tomorrow, this time to Omaha to go to the zoo and visit Joe and Tammy. Bill wants to go to the Bohemian Cafe to eat also. I don’t know about that…we’ll see what the food’s like. Might have time to go to the Aerospace Museum too if […]

Pictures are up…

Thursday, July 7th, 2005

Hey I just got finished adding the pictures I took on July 3rd. There’s a couple there that are from other times, but most are from the 3rd. I didn’t get there until it was almost dark, so some are kind of dark. Just click on the “photos” option above. (All of you guys that […]

We Won!

Thursday, July 7th, 2005

Well, Bill and I went to Fort Randall Casino and won! I won’t say how much, but it was more than we went up there with…came out far ahead! That is he won…I lost everything that I put in…that’s always the way it goes for me. I put money in and it disappears into the […]

Independence Day!

Monday, July 4th, 2005

Happy 4th of July everybody! Well, I’m off for a week of vacation, yay!!! Went out to Sam and Sherri’s cabin last night after work. I was in such a good mood that I just had to dance. Adam thought I was funny, but I was having fun anyway. Didn’t even have anything to drink […]