Well, here we are again.

March 4th, 2011

Another Friday night sitting in front of the computer surfing. At least I’m feeling better today than I was Wednesday. I don’t know what it was I was sick with, but I just generally felt crappy with a bit of a headache mixed in.

Speaking about health issues, Bill has told me to inform everyone about his latest health problem. He went to the doctor Wednesday to find out what the bump/bruise was on the right side of his head just above his ear. He thought that he might have bumped his head, but didn’t remember doing it. I told him it wouldn’t hurt to have the doctor look at it, but he didn’t go in until he also developed little white bumps in his mouth and throat. It turned out to be a case of shingles. They gave him a prescription that seems to be working. I think they caught it early enough to knock it out quickly (I hope). I guess that if he would have let it go, it could have developed into a much more serious thing, to where if he would have gotten those little bumps in his eyes, he could have gone blind. He says his face has a burning sensation for a few minutes at a time, and he’s extremely crabby and irritable. (I think I may have to hide somewhere for a while lol).

Well, I’ve got a vacation coming up on the 19th. The only thing we have planned so far is to drive to Steve and Jessica’s place and take them out to eat to celebrate their marriage. We were going to do it in January, but it decided to snow that day, so we postponed it. Which ever day they both aren’t working will be the day we will go. I’m kind of hoping to go to Red Lobster since we haven’t eaten there in a long time, but if that doesn’t work out, anywhere else will be fine too.

Hmmm, what else? Umm the weather has been doing the typical early spring time thing, roller coaster warm one day, cold the next, warm the next, cold the next…hurry up spring!

OK, I don’t really have much else to say today, nothing deep and philisophical or inspirational or whatever…I think I’ll just hide in the bedroom and watch the Elvis movie that just came on (not sure just which one it is yet). Bye, Love ya!


March 2nd, 2011

What is that? I’ll have to look it up…brb…

I hate that…I really need to get HSI…(still procrastinating)…

Huh…makes sense now. Overcome with emotion, clenched, etymology: yiddish……hmmm, interesting…

Well, I’m home sick today…not doing much…
OK, I think I’ll go back and lay down again…later…

It’s later, still don’t feel good.
Not much else going on…I’ll write more some other time.

Long time, no see.

February 15th, 2011

Every day has some amount of “crap” in it. You can relate to that, can’t you? One day it’s just minor crap, like a bad hair day, or mild constipation… Or major crap, like a serious disease or a death in the family (no bad news right now thank God, sorry to worry you). I guess I’ve just been reflecting lately, being influenced by Steve and Jessica doing more writing on their blog, thought I’d give it another go too…

Start with the good news…(my heart is just bursting with joy!) a new grandbaby and 2 more on the way! I’m diggin’ doing the Grandma Korgie thing! (more on that later)

Warning: The following is a public announcement…..what you are about to read may be hazardous to your health…procede with caution and at your own risk…the author is not responsible for your actions or reactions… 😉 The following views and comments are the sole property of the author.

Catching a little bit of the president’s speech…hmmm somebody’s shoveling something, that’s for sure. Spend spend spend, then cut some of the programs that help people who really need it. Yes, you should freeze the pay of government workers…even bring their salary down to my level and see how long they survive. And where’s the disability program been for us? I’ve seen people who get their disability approved in less than a year, and we’ve been waiting a LOT LONGER… but what else can be done? The president says HE’S FRUSTRATED…well how do you think WE feel? Well, we’ve been “living within our means” for a long time now. Our house is paid off. Our cars are paid off. I live from paycheck to paycheck like most of the people I know, but with a big difference…I’m not in debt, and most people I know are deep in it. That proves that I know how to live within my means. I’ve had a lot of credit cards, but most of them cancelled from lack of use. You get used to not having a lot of the stuff you want or like, in favor of the stuff you need, like food and shelter. Paying the bills on time is the goal. Preparing for tomorrow is the goal of today. (wow, that was deep) Later in life after all your kids are grown and having familes of their own, you get to thinking about what you’ve accomplished in your life so far. If you’re not prepared, you can end up empty…of purpose (empty nest syndrome)…of means (in these times I’m lucky to have a job)…of inspiration (artistic)…of motivation (getting started)…of something else? :-/ We believe in a new reality because we believe in the reality of our dreams. (I love that!) I have dreams, but no means of supporting making them a reality. And the reality wouldn’t provide the means of support for the dream…wow, that’s deep too…doodoo…deep doodoo…are you falling for this “crap”? LOL Are you hooked yet? Are you up shitcreek without a paddle? Sorry you kept reading? Should I go on? All-Righty then.

I look at myself in the mirror and I see that classic droop in the neckline and jowels, crows feet and laugh lines, that little frown line between my brows caused by years of raising my boys, age spots and longer time healing of bumps and bruises and so on…I hate what aging does to you. At least my hair is still pretty-much blonde (there’s starting to be WAY TOO MUCH grey in there though lol). Anyway, I look at all these celebrities who’ve had work done, like Suzanne Summers (somebody botched that one) and Melanie Griffiths (another botched one), and then I look at Betty White (enough said). I think I’ll wait to have my Livestyle Lift. I’ll go for the look of character rather than plastic barbie doll for now (plus it’s a lot cheaper). I’ll keep telling myself that those things give my face character, and there’s no other character just like me. Now to make that work for me to make me rich like Betty White did…lol yeah right ha. I’m not an actress, I’m a writer…(ok, who’ll be my publisher and distributer? remember that I keep all rights! call me, we’ll talk.).

How’s the roller-coaster ride so far??? WHEEEeeeeeeee! I just remembered that I don’t really like roller coaster rides…they jar my old bones too much lol. I’m more for the ferris wheel or the merry-go-round, or just walking around and eating cotton candy. I’m not one for the power sports or high action sports either…no river rafting or mountain climbing or skydiving for me thank you. I’d rather take a little drive out to the country and take pictures of windmills, and old farm places, and lonely old shade trees, and ducks. Or just turn on the Wii and go bowling LOL.

OK, I think I’ll take a break for today…I’m tired of the “crap” for now…more “crap” later…k bye love ya!

Sunday night…

November 7th, 2010

Well, it’s another Sunday night…nothing much new. So what is it with facebook the last 2 days or so…can’t even get to the homepage or anything, so I’m out of touch with everyone on there. Kim sent me a message, but I can’t get to it to answer. Maybe this will pop up on facebook so you will know I’m still here. Well, I don’t have anything new to report, so maybe I’ll put more when I have something to say. K, bye.

October 2010

October 30th, 2010

Well, a lot has happened this month. The weather has been pretty good all month, considering that last year at the beginning of October we already had snow on the ground, and then after that 6 months of winter. I hate cold and snow!

I had to take some time off of work because I’ve been having some pain in my legs. Got in to the doctor for it last week, they gave me a prescription for Prednisone, which started helping the day after I started taking it. Took all this last week off and used up the rest of my vacation days. Had some tests done, but nothing showed up…all the stupid doctors will say is that it had to be some sort of virus, but what? Doctors don’t know anything…after almost 2 weeks of being off my feet, I’ll have to get going again so I can get back to work on November 1st. There’s definately not the pain that I had during the first part of this month though. And I won’t be doing those 10-11 hour days anymore either…back to a 5 day week again will help.

Sue was here visiting from Montana for a couple days. She came for her mom’s birthday last weekend in Dodge. Wednesday we tried Skeeter Barnes because I’d never been there…it was really good BBQ…ordered the appetizer platter and there was so much food that we didn’t have to order anything else (except the “death by chocolate” 4 layer cake…we got 2 ha). Thursday we took a little road trip to Grand Island and went around to all the antique shops. It’s been forever since I did anything like that and it was pretty fun…I was really tired at the end of the day though, after being off my feet for over a week and then walking non-stop for 4 hours. The best thing I saw was an old porcelain bed pan labeled as an “Ergonomic Magazine Holder”. I talked Sue into buying it for $10, she’s going to plant some baby’s breath or something in it and put it in her bathroom… The main thing I was looking for that day was a memory foam pillow, which I did find along with a few other little things. She left Friday morning for Yankton to visit another friend on her way home, she was planning on being home Sunday (I think). It’s always good to see old friends.

Today is my niece’s baby shower, which I plan on attending. The husker game will be on later (not that I pay attention to that anyway) so I thought I’d just wear a husker hoodie (maybe that can be my halloween costume, because anyone who knows me knows that I hate football ha). Most likely tomorrow night on Halloween though, I’ll just put on the ghost costume to hand out candy. I was thinking about being a hippie, but maybe next year…I can’t find my tie died t-shirt…I know it’s in a bag of t-shirts somewhere upstairs in all the mass of stuff…ummm yeah, I really need to start going through some of that stuff…I keep saying that don’t I?

Our 34th wedding anniversary was last week…we spent it at home (yawn). We did go out to eat at the cafe here in town on the night before…had the standard fish and chicken that they serve on Friday nites.

Anyway…I guess that’s all I have for today…Happy Halloween everybody!

Hippie hair

October 22nd, 2010

Well, I finally got this picture to post…the hippie hair is sure getting long.