
OK, I’m adding a new post today to test if it will automatically go to the facebook…did it?

Sunday morning, full of coffee, newspaper read, what to do today? Maybe go to the antique car races at US30 Raceway this afternoon starting at 1:30, admission 1 can of food for Simon House. Something different to do…

Watching Discovery Channel…exotic Caribbean getaways…yeah that’ll happen (not without getting a passport first that is)…nice places to dream about though.

Frost on the windshield of the car this morning…oops I didn’t cover up the flowers, hope they made it, but if not…oh well…maybe it killed off all those late season mosquitos that have been biting me.

OK, that’s all I can think of today…we’ll see if it shows up on facebook…later tater…

One Response to “Testing…testing…123…”

  1. sista Kim Says:

    Nope. I didn’t see it on fb, but I liked reading it. Why dont you just write it on fb and I wouldn’t have to look here to see what you’re up to? I’m glad I checked! Didn’t know you had a frost, and you can still go to Puerto Rico without a passport–yahoo! Love Ya!