Will it be nice out today?

Well, here I sit in front of the computer on my day off. I’m kinda waiting for it to warm up a little bit before I venture out. I was going to “have coffee outside” like Sam, but it was a little too chilly.

Yesterday I stopped by and covered my little Bug with kisses…for a full 15 minutes I’m told…ha. What can I say? LOL

Easter is coming up and I have to work. Bummer. Well if my sons will call and let me know if they’ll be visiting us for Easter, we can check our schedules and spend a little family time. If they want Easter eggs, they’ll have to let me know so I can get the stuff to make them…like eggs. I loved Easter when I was a kid. Mostly I remember going to my Grandma’s place, hunting for colored eggs in the yard, getting Easter baskets with Easter-grass in the bottom and filled with candy and eggs and little stuffed bunnys or chicks. Biting the ears and tail off a hollow chocolate bunny, and the contest where we see who comes up with the most original way to crack an Easter egg before they eat it. By the way, I still don’t like PEEPS.

Anyway, I really didn’t have much of a religious upbringing, but there was a time in grade school that I went (on my own) to the lutheran church in PC. I wanted to see what it was all about. I really didn’t want to go to the Catholic church, and the only other one in town was Lutheran. Went to vacation bible school a couple summers, and was in a Christmas pagent one time. We did various crafty things (made a 4-strand-braided cross), and had bible study etc. Then there was a time later on in my life when I went to a lutheran church in Columbus. Steve and Pat were babtized during that time…unfortunately Adam wasn’t because “church time” had ended again…well…hmmm…I guess I still go to a private church in my heart..I believe that what happens in this life happens for a reason, you’re where you’re supposed to be, and basically if you’re good in your mind and heart and soul, everything will work out just fine. Love conquers all…time heals all wounds…faithfulness will be rewarded (eventually). C-ya love-ya Ok-bye.

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