What to do…what to do…

So many things to do in this world, not many options for me it seems. Here I sit again looking out the window, surfing the web…I know there’s plenty of things to do, but I just can’t get motivated. I wish that 30 years ago I would have done some things differently and maybe now I would have a few more dollars in the bank so I could think about retiring. Well, that’s all I can do is think about it because I sure can’t afford to quit working. I would love to travel more and work less…but yeah…”wish in one hand and spit in the other and see which one gets full”.

I went to the Goodwill Store yesterday and bought some more books. Mostly scifi and fantasy ones, but I got a couple of financial ones in there too…one was “How to be Rich” by J. Paul Getty…(that’s a joke)…and “The Automatic Millionaire” by David Bach…just skimming through them I’ll never be able to use the first one because I’ll never have an oil field and I’m not a young executive, and I can’t use the second one because I’m already way older than you need to be to start the automatic stuff…maybe Goodwill will take them back lol. All I can hope for now is to have a long-lost relative leave me a big pile of money (all hope is lost lol). Maybe not…maybe I should write a book…here, let me get started on that one right now (I can see the money piling up now hahahahaha).

I suppose I’ll come back to reality now, and get myself some lunch. It’s not so windy outside today, but it’s still kind of chilly out. Springtime in Nebraska is pretty predictable…lots of wind…occasional storms…going from cool temps to hot within a couple weeks. Soon everyone will be complaining about the heat and humidity. Yesterday you walked out the door and the wind about knocked you off your feet. They had to lock the garden center doors at work because the wind was taking them off the tracks, and I was afraid that someone would be walking in and the stupid things would come right off and really hurt someone, or at the very least crash to the concrete floor and shatter…

I’m looking forward to August and September when I’ll have a grandson celebrating his first birthday, and 2 more new grandsons arriving (yay). I love babies (but I wouldn’t want any more of my own, I like that I can cuddle them and love them, and then send them back home again lol).

Anyway, I suppose I better end my ramblings for today…you all are getting pretty bored anyway…move along, nothing to see here lol. OK, see ya love ya bye.

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