Stupid cable company…

OK, so we got the high speed internet and dvr hooked up last week…now waiting for them to get the phone working right. We can call out, but no one can call us. It just goes to a voice mail box, which we can’t get to because they didn’t give us a code to set it up. Called them yesterday, and they said they’d be here today. Waited all day and they didn’t show up. Called them again today at about 3, they said “oh looks like that is set up for next Thursday, not today”. Well I told them they better do something about that, because I’m not going without a phone for a week. They’ll see what they can do electronically and call me back on the landline (if they get it going or on the cell if not) to set up a time tomorrow for them to come…OK, so now they’ve been “working on it” for a couple hours now, and were supposed to call me back…called them again a little before 5…still working on it…someone is there till 7…I’ll call them back again before 7 I’m sure…stupid cable company. They have my money, so now they’re not in any hurry to help me. Good thing there wasn’t a year contract…I might have to cancel and go with someone else (of course the next place will be the same runaround). Stupid cable company. So I guess if you need to call me, try the cell number (I can get a message on there)…hopefully they’ll get the landline working right soon. Yesterday I missed talking to Bill on my lunch at work. He was wondering why I didn’t call. Stupid cable company.

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