Dazed and confused.
May 23rd, 2011I was working in the garden center early this morning when a blackbird came flying inside from the north at a good clip of about 20-30 mph, and CRASHED into the window (left a little dusty bird-face print on the glass). Down he went flopping and rolled to a stop on his back. Well, I had to sweep him into the dustpan and put him outside the door in case he lived. He laid there on his back for a while still dazed and confused, breathing pretty hard though. I went out a little later and used the broom again to get him on his feet. Other blackbirds were coming around checking him out, puffing up and chirping at him. He sat there for a while, and a little later I went out again and then he started looking a little more lively and flew about a foot or 2 away. About that time someone else took over, and the next time I went out there, the bird was gone, so it must have lived. 🙂 Unfortunately a little sparrow that I found inside earlier was already dead, so I had to sweep that one up and dispose of it… 🙁 There is an owl that made a nest on a stack of pallets on the north side of the garden center…the yard workers are kind of protecting it…I haven’t seen it, but there are a lot less mice out there lately. There’s also a robin family nest above the shovels and rakes way up high in the racking…stupid birds…but they do sound nice chirping out there in the morning…kind of makes it pleasant to work out there…soon enough I’ll be dealing with the heat and the mosquitos.
Well, last Saturday was supposed to be the rapture…the times came and went without incident…there were a few storms, but I didn’t see any christians go flying up to the sky. The next “end of the world event” is supposed to happen December 12, 2012 according to the Mayan calender. Anyone going to Stonehenge for that?