Well there’s about 2-1/2 feet of snow outside now, and about another foot to come. I think this is the most snow I’ve ever seen. Maybe the worst was when I was a year or two old when the snow was drifted up to the roof of my Grandma & Grandpa’s garage. I remember seeing pictures of that. The year after we moved here to Genoa, we had a big snow storm that cancelled Halloween. I think that was the next in line now. I didn’t go to work today, and tomorrow is my normal day off. Bill is out using the snowblower for the third time today. We got about 6 inches in the last 2 hours. Isn’t this fun???

One Response to “SNOW…SNOW…SNOW!!!”

  1. Sista Kim Says:

    WOW Cindy! It DOES sound fun, cancelled work?! You betcha!! And here I was feeling sorry for us because its cloudy and only in the 50s when its spring. That is ALOT of snow. Go out and make a fort!!