
Well, tomorrow I have to go into the hospital for a “procedure”. That’s what they call an operation nowadays. I went to the doctor last week for my migraine headaches and a general checkup, and she sent me to another doctor. I have had a bump on my back forever and I guess they think its getting too big and that I should have it removed. So I have to go in for outpatient surgery tomorrow, and have a few days off work to recouperate. They will make a nice big slice (5 or 6 inches long…ouch) and take it out. I got a prescription for pain pills filled today already, so I guess I’ll be laying around on the couch for a couple days. Then I have to keep my appointment for mammogram on Friday afternoon too…had to get all this in before the end of the year cause our deductable is met on the insurance. Well anyway, if you think of it, give me a call on Thursday to say hi. If not, that’s ok too, might just be sleeping anyway. OK that’s all for today, wish me luck! Bye.

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