Yard work today…
Well, today I was outside from about 8am till just about dark moving plants and putting together my arbor and stuff like that. Got a start on getting the yard ready for some landscaping that we’re planning on doing before winter. Bill wants to make it all no maintenance, no more weed pulling! Next spring we’re going to put in a pond with fish. The place will look nice when all the concrete gets poured and the patio is done, and the rest of the privacy fence is in. This pushes back the kitchen remodel by a while tho…that’s planned for after my car is paid off…and after everyone else gets paid… It seems like they’re all standing there with their hand out again… Oh well, it’s only money right? (Wish I had just a little more of it tho.) Can’t wait till it’s all done, it will be a nice private area in our back yard. Well, that’s all for today, leave a comment, or e-mail me ok? Bye.