
In printing…a mark or marks such as __ __ , … , or ***, to indicate an omission or suppression of letters or words…(or in my case, a pause in thought). I learned this today on “Cash Cab”. I like that show.

I’m home for most of the day today, but have to work this evening. I was planning on getting some things done today, but it looks like I’m just watching Discovery Channel.

We’re getting a pretty good rain today. Lightning and thunder woke me up a couple times last night. Looks like there’s at least an inch in the rain guage…can’t tell for sure ’cause I don’t have my glasses on yet today.

I think I want to do a little painting this spring. Paint the upstairs bedrooms, maybe the hallway, maybe do something about the basement. At one time we did start doing the walls in the basement. Did the waterproofing of the walls and started putting up 2×2 framework for either drywall or paneling, but that didn’t get far…never finished that. For sure I have to do the waterproofing of the decorative concrete outside on the patio and sidewalk like I do every spring. Not today though, it’s raining outside.

Wow…I’m quite chatty today…now that I know what those 3 little dots are…maybe I’ll use them in the correct way…or maybe not! Ha-ha-ha!

2 Responses to “Ellipsis…”

  1. Mik Says:

    I think I spend most of my life in the ellipsis … that’s the quiet part right?

  2. kim Says:

    What the –:@#**??