Taxes again…

Well, I looked at them again this morning before I went to work and I think I got it figured out, so I won’t have to take them to a preparer after all. I was getting frustrated Sunday and gave up on them because I was getting a headache from them. Anyway, I got my profit sharing check last Thursday (I get 15% of my gross now). They took about half out for taxes, but what I did get went right into savings…I’m saving for remodeling our kitchen. I kind of know what I want, but Bill will want a say in it too. Well, that’s all for tonight…if you read this, leave a comment. Bye.

One Response to “Taxes again…”

  1. Steve Korgie Says:

    15% is pretty good. I think the most we can get this year is like 7 or 8% of your gross. Everyone gets that though, they don’t raise the percentage you get by how long you have been working there. I have mine set up to go right into my 401k and they will match that just like your normal 401k additions. So in the end it will probobly end up as about 12% untaxed into my retirement account. I’m sure the kitchen will look real nice when you are finished with it. It sure needs it. If it turns out half as good as the bathroom it will be great.