Happy B-Day to me…yesterday.

Well, I made it another year…whoop-dee-do! God I feel old… Anyway, I didn’t have to work yesterday and Bill stayed home too because of the weather. We had a roast for supper and rented “War of the Worlds” which was a really good movie. Monday coming home from work was the worst I’ve ever seen it…I left work about 4 hours early, but I probably should have stayed in Columbus. It was so bad driving in that storm that I had to stop at Monroe to calm my nerves. When I was just about ready to leave again, Bill came pulling in. I was really glad to see him! There for a mile or two right before I got to Monroe it was complete white-out, I was driving along at about 5mph looking for the next yellow line in the middle of the road and praying that someone else didn’t come along and crash into me head on…that happened to a guy that lives here in town when he was driving up by Humphrey, he got over into the other lane and crashed head-on into a semi…he didn’t make it. Steve might have known him as he was 28, Jeffrey Gronenthal. Anyway, I think I’ll pack an overnight bag just in case the weather gets bad like that again…I’ll never drive in weather like that again…that was pretty scary!

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