Dam dam dammmm

Son of a bitch. It’s not going right! I’m getting frustrated with the dam landscaping! Adam helps me pretty good, but it’s just going very slowly. Now I have to back it out and start the south side over. Bill wanted some plants put in on the south side, so now I have to take out what I already did so it goes in right…dam…dam…dam! There’s these little tiny no-see-um nats that bite really hard and I swell up where they bite and they itch…they like the face and ears and…Does anyone read this??? Wwaaaahhhh!! Maybe I need a pacifier (LOL). I could use some feed back here, I mean even if you don’t volunteer to help, doesn’t mean I couldn’t use some comments once in a while…just to let me know someone is there listening…or reading as the case may be. Does anyone want to help with my landscaping???? Half of my help moved out (had to fire him), he’s living with the girlfriend now. Anyway, that’s a totally different story. Well to change the subject again I switched weekends at work so I could get our anniversary off next week. I think we’ll go down to Bluffs Run, maybe get a room…that would be nice. I need another vacation…or a different job…or maybe win the lottery…or win big at the casino and retire…that would be nice too…well if anyone reads this, e-mail me, k? Bye, that’s all the venting for today.

One Response to “Dam dam dammmm”

  1. Jennifer Says:

    Sorry that I haven’t been on for a long while Cindy!!!! I do agree with you, it has been getting pretty cold in the North West also. We just refinanced our house and in over a year we made $100,000.00 on it.. can you believe it, I can’t :0)
    Your probably gonna think that I’m nuts but I have already started decorating for “CHRISTMAS” ha ha we only have 47 more shopping days left to go and I’m just in the spirit! My days off now changed to Thursday, Friday and Saturdays off until January 14th or 15th.. which ever is the Saturday… and I work from home on Sunday! Not to bad… Maybe I’ll catch you on the computer soon….. I’ll be looking for you ..
    Take Care.. and sorry about the landscaping! If Alaska flew to you I’d come and help out! Maybe sometime soon….