Gum wrapper chain.

I am loving the faster internet. I was able to upload a picture to facebook to change my profile picture. It was a gum wrapper chain. I used to make those all the time in grade school. One thing I would REALLY like to know is how to make a “baby in a hammock” by folding a man’s big white handkerchief just right. I have a memory of my grandma showing me how to do that when I was about 3 or 4… hmmm…

I got a lot done on my vacation this past week. Did some more cleaning. Got the hsi and dvr hooked up. Stupid installer didn’t leave me any instructions. Steve is really being a big help on getting it all set up for me. Thanks Steve!
Got Skype, now just have to set up the camera. My old e-mail address won’t let me send out mail anymore, but I can still receive mail. That will no longer happen after the end of April. As soon as I get the new mail set up I’ll let you know what the addresses will be. Bill will have one too, but he says to tell people that he probably won’t check it very often. So if you need to tell him something, CC me to just to make sure he gets it.

I ramble on…anyway I kind of feel like I’m still on vacation yet today, even after going to work. I only had to go a half day.

I’m still typing this on the old computer. I should be getting the new one set up. I need a different type of table for the laptop. Right now it’s sitting at an angle that hurts me (yeah I’m old…so what? lol). Maybe I’ll look for an adjustable laptop caddy…

OK, I think the next time I post on here I’ll try to do it from the laptop…outside maybe to test the wireless…IF IT EVER QUITS SNOWING!

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