
Survivor is good this season. Russell was all arrogance, now needs to learn humility…do you think he will? No probably not…they sent the rich guy (who thought he was better than everyone else) home crying, boo hoo nobody likes him. It’s funny.

Today is my Friday. So I have to squeeze in 2 days worth of stuff into my day off tomorrow. If I have the energy tomorrow, I’m going to keep going on the spring cleaning. We’ll see how I feel in the morning. I got rid of some stuff last weekend and I have some boxes of clothes that I need to go through to get rid of the things I’ll never wear again. I have a lot of old jeans…who wants me to make them a blue jean purse? Only $25 each. Call me, we’ll talk.

Well, I can’t think of anything else right now, so g’night.

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