Flu shot today.

I got my flu shot today, and my arm is sore already…stupid sore arm.

What is really stupid is that there’s road construction going on at every road in and out of town, so expect to wait (forever) to leave town or come home…stupid. And of course they have to be right in front of my house…stupid again.

This time last year we had snow on the ground…makes you think…

I need chocolate…dark chocolate…milk chocolate…hot chocolate (with peppermint schnapps ha). Well, I bought some candy for Halloween that I haven’t tapped into yet (much ha), I’ll have to sneak one or two more… 🙂
I thought about getting out some of my Halloween decorations, but like I said in my last post, stored items upstairs are starting to creep down the steps and I got scared (LOL).

Why are some people constantly spouting negativity? Does it make them feel better to know that they make other people just as miserable as the are? I don’t get it… yeah I guess I’m just the eternal optomist, I can’t see the bad unless someone points it out to me…(STOP POINTING IT OUT TO ME!)

OK, on that happy note…I’ll bid you adieu (did I spell that right?) and a reminder that “I still like it in my back pocket”.

One Response to “Flu shot today.”

  1. sista Kim Says:

    I like the way fb automatically connects you with your blog when you click on it; good job! Did you know that a hot cocoa & peppermint schnapps is called a Snuggler?? My sister in-law Janis told me that. (Aren’t I smart?!) We almost bought one of those big bags of Halloween candy too, decided to wait so WE wouldn’t eat it, and then realized we will be in Hawaii for Halloween! Whew! Missed that caloric bullet! Terry is the choco-holic. Yeah, I try not to be around negative people as that is too contagious, and I really want to be HAPPY!! Some people must not realize how unhappy they are, sad for them. Did your work do the flu shots? I’ll get mine Friday at the Dr., while we discuss hormone changes, cuz I’m going through it BAD! 🙂 Luv Ya!