Add new post…got rained on today.

Hey, is anyone else having trouble logging in to facebook today? Anyway, I went outside to pick a few cherry tomatoes, I waved away the millions of little gnats and collected a few green/semi-green/ripe little gems (tossed the cracked and icky ones). And then it got dark, then started to sprinkle, then I got really wet. Thunder clap, run for the house…funny…haven’t been out in the rain for such a long time…

I think I’ll try to start posting on here again once in a while…stay tuned for further updates…

3 Responses to “Add new post…got rained on today.”

  1. Steve Says:

    You may want to try using the little add on for facebook that I started using to syndicate when you add something new on your blog if you are going to start writing more on it, it really raises the number of people that actually read it. You haven’t posted on it in 5 months so no one will know to even look at it anymore if you don’t. I don’t have near the number of people actively check my site regularly that I used to before facebook got popular.

  2. Cindy Korgie Says:

    you know that my stupid computer would probably crash if I try to add anything else…ummm yeah…stupid computer…stupid…stupid…computer…

  3. Steve Says:

    You don’t add it to your computer, it’s just an app that you can use on the facebook site that checks your website every so often and automatically updates your profile if you wrote anything new. Once it’s set up you don’t need to mess with it at all, it’s all automatic.