
Well, I’m running out of titles for these little entries. I’ve got a short day at work today, then work a long day tomorrow and Friday. Have the weekend off, then I’ll be working every day for 14 or 15 days (my boss is going on vacation out to Maine). I need some new work shoes…I can always tell when my legs are sore after work. Anyway, here I go again…off to work…my life is so boring. But my vacation last week was fun!

2 Responses to “ok…”

  1. Steve Korgie Says:

    It is pretty hard to think of a title to use isnt it? Your work schedule sounds a little like mine. Have fun.

  2. Jen Says:

    I can totally relate Cindy… It seems like all I do is work anymore. My boss wrote in my Birthday card, “Give yourself 8 hrs of sleep for your b-day” Yeah right, what is that! David and I are NOT going to Hawaii now do to $$$, Last minute decision, but hopefully somtime in my life time I get to go to the Islands! But I guess I’ll get a few days off anyways!~
    I’ll write more later!
    Have a wonderful day~