Super Bowl Sunday

Waiting for the commercials on the super bowl. I don’t care about the game, just the commercials. (OH MY! Sacrilege!) You know I’m not the only one!

OK, progress so far on the wrist…it’s slowly getting better, still sore though, and it really zings me if I move it wrong. I’ve been doing the stretches and exercises the PT taught me to do, once a day at least (sometimes 2). I wear the wrist brace at work that they gave me, and will have to wear it probably for another month yet (just to be safe).

Well, this week there are a couple new shows and season premiers coming on tv. I’m looking forward to watching LOST and SURVIVOR as well as NCIS and the Monday night shows on CBS. I don’t do much exciting, just go to work and watch tv. I’ll have to start thinking on possiblilities for short road trips to take at the end of March. Bill can’t handle a lot of travel anymore, so it’s usually just a day trip or an overnighter somewhere…I can’t wait until it warms up outside so I can at least sit on the back patio and watch the fish in our pond!

Well, I suppose I’ll quit for today. I’m going to try to start posting on here again, it really has been a while since I was in the habit of it…OK Bye, love ya!

One Response to “Super Bowl Sunday”

  1. Steve Korgie Says:

    I barely watched the game, Jess and I went to the gym and worked out and then we went and got some groceries afterward. Fun Fun!