Without a hitch.

Well, everything went without a hitch yesterday. The new president and his wife went to lots and lots of parties and stayed up late schmoozing and dancing and posing for pix, and then he got up early today and got down to business…hope it works out for all of us.

2 Responses to “Without a hitch.”

  1. Steve Says:

    I wouldn’t say without a hitch. The Chief Justice flubbed the lines to the oath of office and they had to redo it tonight privately because the nutjobs were going to sue to say he wasn’t the president.

  2. Cindy Korgie Says:

    Well OK, a small hitch. I thought it was kind of funny when it happened. I just thought it was cool that the new president could mess up on his oath. It made him human just like all the rest of us. I did see on the news tonight that he got a “do-over” and was sworn in with the exact wording in private today (just to make it all legal). When I said “without a hitch” I kind of had in mind that no bombs exploded in the middle of all those people…or that there wasn’t a sniper aiming a high powered rifle…or something else like that.