Time goes by…

Well, it’s October 18th. I’ve been doing the cashier job now for 2 weeks. Mostly I like it. I don’t have to do any of the back breaking work anymore, or do all the walking (anywhere from 4 to 12 miles a day), or get blamed for things that aren’t my fault and yelled at about stupid stuff. No more stress. I got to keep the best part, which is seeing all the people. I get home at a decent time now and I get to watch evening TV shows with my old man. Some days I do absolutely nothing but stand there, which is kind of like a vacation for me. Other days I’m pretty busy, but the time does go by. One of these days I’ll be able to retire, but until then, I won’t have to work so hard. I actually sleep better at night too. I’m really enjoying NOT being in that so-called UPPER ESCHELON. Yeah, they just don’t know how much that will hurt them by NOT promoting me when they had the chance! 4 times trying for it was enough for me. One of the gals there told me that it’s all about how hard they ride you there. Well, I was starting to feel like I was “rode hard and put away wet” every day. I took it and took it and took it for 5 years, and after working 25 days in a row, I had enough! A lot of people have quit there to go to places with better pay and better hours. Well, I got better hours, but a little less pay when I changed over to cashier. I didn’t want to quit and go someplace else and lose all my benefits, 4 weeks vacation, profit sharing, and insurance. So “stepping down” from being a manager was definately worth the small cut in pay (and the BIG cut in the stress level). I look at the people they have over there now, and I just have to laugh! One of them knows some about the area, and the other one is a drama queen who doesn’t know anything about the area and hates it there. I keep hearing little things, and every time I do I just have to smile and think how much happier I am now that I don’t have to deal with all that. OK, now that I got all that off my chest, maybe I’ll write more often! If anyone reads this, just leave a comment ok? Bye for now.

2 Responses to “Time goes by…”

  1. Steve Says:

    I read this, I’m glad you are happier with your new position. How’s your class coming?

  2. Cindy Korgie Says:

    I fell way behind on it, but luckily it’s not all that strict on when you turn in the assignments. I’m way behind because of working 25 days in a row.