Well, only 1 day of vacation left.

We decided to go for a little road trip. Went to Kansas City to visit Mike and Janine. Had a free room at the casino so stayed Monday and Tuesday nights. The room was pretty nice, had a HUGE bathtub and a nice big shower. I want to put in one of those big tubs in my house someday. When you sat down in it, the water was up to your armpits. You could actually stretch out in it too. There weren’t any whirlpool jets in it, but it was still good for soaking. We went to the buffet there on Tuesday for supper…all-you-can-eat King Crab Legs for $23.99. Ate free on our comps. Boy it was good! We went for a little ride with Mike that afternoon while Janine and Nicole played the games for a while. After they all left for the evening, Bill and I both won money, and it paid for our trip. Anyway, no more vacations this year…too bad. Can’t wait till I can have 4 weeks vacation…too bad I can’t take more than a week at a time.

3 Responses to “Well, only 1 day of vacation left.”

  1. Mike Says:

    Yep … Janine & I enjoyed Bill & Cindy’s visit and the King Crab Legs. I’m surprised Cindy spent four sentences describing the bathtub & shower and left out Bill’s story. Seems he was soaking in the tub and Cindy was in the adjoining clear glass shower. Bill was really enjoying the view but claims he was unable to find the slot in the shower where you put in your money and the window comes down.

    Cindy leaves out the best parts!

  2. Cindy Korgie Says:

    Yeah, why do you think that is???

  3. kim Says:

    Geez Cindy!!