EEE–HAW git along little doggie yippi-yi-yo-ki-yay!

I’m on vacation y’all!!! And to start it off, I helped clean up our patio for winter, or almost winter. Took most of the patio furniture and big umbrellas in the basement. Put away all the little turtles and bunnies and froggies and knomes and stuff in the garage. Bill cleaned out the pond ’cause when he looked out today, it was all covered with dead leaves and stuff so he couldn’t even see the fish. He also took the leaf blower and sucked up the leaves & stuff out of the rock borders. (Later…) I’m out of the shower now, boy did that feel good! I’m all clean. Maybe we’ll go for a ride to Columbus tonight yet. Well, time to blow dry my hair & get ready. Bill will be out of the shower soon & then we’ll see…OK bye.

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