Day 2 in an 8 day run.

Yeah, I work 8 days in a row. My boss is on vacation so I have to work extra. Oh well, the paycheck will be good in a couple weeks. Oh, it’s so rare anymore to see both of my brothers in the same day. Randy came in with his new girlfriend, and then later Rick came in just to say hi. Anyway, that’s all for now…

2 Responses to “Day 2 in an 8 day run.”

  1. Jen and Dave Says:

    What… Randy has a NEW GIRLFRIEND?? What happened to Gina? I haven’t met Rick yet! How are you? Do you need me to send you a snorkle and flippers? HA HA have groovy day~

  2. Cindy Korgie Says:

    Yup, Gina is still around, but not with Randy. Don’t ask me what happened, I don’t know and it’s none of my business. Anyway, why would I need a snorkle and flippers? Unless you’re sending me a couple tickets to Cancun or something…oh yeah, there’s a hurricane there now…make those tickets for the 4th week in October, that’s when I get my next vacation.