Big fat bull frog.

Yeah, one moved into our pond this morning! I thought it was one of my fake ones at first, but then it moved! He’s about 15-18″ long when he stretches out to swim (he’s a BIG one) a little bigger than my fist when he just sits there. He likes to sit inside the pots of water plants that Bill put in there. We wanted to get some tadpoles, but now I guess we don’t have to. Anyway, I had a day off work today, so I went to Columbus and bought some big pots and some garden soil with Miracle Grow in it. I also bought some tomato plants, some everbearing strawberry plants, and some pea seeds. Now I have 3 nice container gardens along the west side of the garage. I also planted some grapes by the arbor (the roses I planted there last year winter-killed). Does anybody read this? (I know you do Steve, and Mom, but anybody else???) K Bye

One Response to “Big fat bull frog.”

  1. Steve Says:

    Says in the server logs that you have had 71 unique visitors this month, averaging around 13 visits a day. I don’t know who is visiting but someone is. They just don’t seem to be too chatty when it comes to comments. Personally I read your feed on Google Reader and I usually don’t come to the actual site unless I’m going to comment.