April 16, 2007

A sad day in Virginia, another stupid guy with a gun shoots up a bunch of college kids and then kills himself.  That’s a dude that’s in hell for sure.  Anyway…the pond is coming along nicely.  Hired Pat to dig the hole over the weekend, and went for another trip for rocks today.  Still need to buy the liner yet, but with any luck we’ll be able to fill it with water this weekend.  I don’t think we’ll put in fish yet, maybe will put some goldfish in it later on, after the plants are in and the pump and filter are running.  Will probably take a ride to Sundance Feeds in Grand Island again tomorrow for some more supplies, and pick up more rock on the long way around coming back.  I also think I’ll start doing my painting again, but will do it in any spare time I have (I hope I can find some).  I decided not to join Columbus Area Artists just yet, I won’t be able to go to any of the meetings, they are held when I have to work.  There is a meeting tomorrow, but I really don’t want to do a collage (that’s the project they have planned).  Anyway, that’s all I got today…

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