Fat Tuesday

It’s a tradition for all of New Orleans to dress up in costumes and party, party, party.  Here in Nebraska, it’s just a few people going to the bars.  We were invited to a pot luck sort of thing in Bellwood at the bar.  I don’t know if we’re going yet or not.  If we do, we have to bring something to eat.  Anyway, my day off started with a snooze on the easy chair with the cat, and then a shower.  Next will probably be to do a little laundry and clean the house a little.  Maybe a little later when it warms up, I might dig the bike out of the garage and go for a little ride, or maybe a walk to the post office and back.  It’s supposed to get up to 50 today.  That’s quite a change from 10 below 0.  I can’t wait for spring.  Anyway, the first week of April I have a vacation, so that’s when we’ll be getting the house ready for Adam’s graduation in May.  Have to clean out the basement for sure and get all the patio furniture outside.  Adam is the last of the boys to graduate…now I feel old.  Well, that’s all for today…I’m going to haul out the walker and try to bend over to pick up the dirty clothes to wash.  (Just kidding…I have one of those grabber things LOL)

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