Anna Nicole Smith is dead.

Heard that at work today.  I wonder if someone killed her for the money, or if she committed suicide over the stuff going on with her older son…she just had a baby not too long ago, hope the kid gets raised by someone nice…anyway if I had all the money she did, I certainly wouldn’t commit suicide, would you?  Who knows, maybe she was sick, or had a brain tumor, or her implants burst…who knows, haven’t heard why she’s dead, just that she is.  Anyway, don’t know much else, so bye for now.

2 Responses to “Anna Nicole Smith is dead.”

  1. Steve Korgie Says:

    I don’t think she killed herself, most likely she overdosed on something.

  2. Cindy Korgie Says:

    Either that, or someone overdosed her…maybe the guy she was fighting over the money with (her step-son?).