30 years….that’s a long time!

Yesterday was our 30 year anniversary.  We didn’t go on any long trip, just a short one to the casinos.  I came home with $40 more than I started with.  Played roulette and some slots, and ate for free at the buffet in Ameristar.  Next year maybe we’ll go for a week somewhere, when there are no kids at home to worry about.  This year we’re doing the kitchen remodel…which is coming along nicely thank you.  Still waiting on the countertop, sink, and windows.  Those will be here next week.  Thursday the flooring will be put in and Friday the new ‘frig’ will be here.  Saturday my vacation is over and I have to go back to work.  Ah well, thats life.  Later, love ya.

One Response to “30 years….that’s a long time!”

  1. Janine Says:

    30 years IS a LONG time…..congratulations!!!!! Glad you were able to get out and celebrate some. Sounds like its going to be a “working” vacation. Hope you take some time to relax before you go back to work at the store. Love, Janine