Sad day.

Went to a funeral today for a friend that died in a motorcycle accident.  Randy Peterson.  He really loved his Harley and rode all the time.  It was held at the Federated Church social hall.  When we walked in it seemed more like a wedding reception rather than a funeral.  Betty said that she really didn’t expect all the people that came.  It was a nice gathering, people got up and told stories about him.  One guy, I think it was his cousin, got up and said that he never saw such a variety of different people in the same room before.  That was nice that Randy had a lot of friends from a lot of different walks of life.  It was kind of sad, but yet it was the “celebration of his life” that they wanted.  They had a little lunch after, but I didn’t stay for that.  Went to the bar with most of the other people that he hung around with for so long.  Didn’t stay for too long though, went home and watched a rented movie (rented RV).  Anyway, that’s all for today.

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