OH JOY…dentist tomorrow…

Yeah, I finally got an appointment. I bit down on something hard about a month ago, and I’m just now able to get in someplace (all the school kids getting in first). I haven’t been able to chew on the left side for that long. That hasn’t stopped me from eating though…ha. I have been trying to eat healthy lately…lots of fruits and vegetables too. I haven’t entirely cut out junk food though, still have to have my chocolate. Anyway…yeah dentist. I’m changing dentists…not at all happy with the old one. He just doesn’t do a good job anymore. Last time I went he bruised my jaw by gripping too tight, and he also screwed up Pat’s last filling. He has this holier-than-thou attitude. I thought I’d try a woman dentist now. Later…

2 Responses to “OH JOY…dentist tomorrow…”

  1. kim Says:

    Sounds like a root canal & possible crown—do you have insurance?? I’m guessing it’ll be around $800 for a crown and $500-600 for a root canal. Maybe you have better teeth tha our family and its just a filling…lets hope! Let me know what you think about the female dentist…I have always wondered if they had the strength!! It was sure great seeing you guys…
    Love ya!

  2. Cindy Korgie Says:

    Yeah, that is really sucky that you predicted what they told me. I’ve decided to go back to my regular dentist, even if he does have an attitude. The lady one doesn’t seem to know her stuff. They took xrays and it seems that I have an abcess and need a root canal, but not on the one that was bothering me…it’s another one. They were going to send me to a specialist, either in Lincoln or Grand Island. I asked if anyone in town does root canals, she said no. (Mancuso does them.) Then I asked her to call in a prescription for some antibiotics…she said she wouldn’t do that because it’s harder to numb me (Mancuso’s office said that doesn’t have anything to do with that, antibiotics are actually preferred before they do a root canal, and they’ll call it in tonight or tomorrow morning). Well, I only went to that other dentist because I couldn’t get in anywhere else. Well, either way it sucks, and yes I have insurance, but I don’t know how much it will pay…